The Revealing Ode

The Revealing Ode of Master Dou, the truth in acupuncture be told. Written by Hanqing Dou in 1259, one of the most eminent physicians to ever practice acupuncture and moxibustion. Only through this ode can you achieve an efficacy greater than any practitioner.

The original ways of thinking lives on inside the ode. The significance of its profound sayings, like “select five acupoints but to use one is surely proper, select three Channels but to use one is suitably correct” for example, are historical contributions per se.

The annotations of the ode are contextualised from Dou’s ‘A Guide to Acupuncture Classics’ and in modern practice, which was never done before. Henry Xiao, an Australian-born second-generation Chinese Medicine practitioner, deeply benefited from the ode in clinical practice, and hopes his translations and annotations extend his personal benefits to all practitioners. So that you can also learn to know the true power of acupuncture from the guidance of such a renowned Grand Master.

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