Metaphysics – The Great Paradigm Shift
If knowing the rules to this game we call life is an advantage, just imagine what understanding and applying
them could do for us all? Kathryn A. Cross’s light hearted approach to reigniting the wisdom we all have buried
nice and deep inside, under years, generations and incarnations of false programming is simple, yet life changing.
How our own instincts have become so corrupt we have lost the ability to discern the most simple of life
situations, and the revelation our immune systems are also at the mercy of this programming is mind-blowing;
Metaphysics the Great Paradigm Shift touches on everything from addictions and alcoholism, to wisdom and warts
with a plethora in between in the two complete books within “Metaphysical Conundrum” the choice between fear and
faith and “Metaphysical Causation” explains why stuff happens . The author believes we all have the POWER to live
joyful and fulfilling lives, but asks, are we willing and more importantly courageous enough to do what it takes
to make the shift? The book includes metaphysical wisdom, strategies and titbits to assist us on our way to living that elusive joy filled and purposeful life.