Gun Fights, Ghosts and Goannas

Ever since he was a young man living on the Gold Coast, Gary had dreamed of riding a motor-cycle around Australia. His focus on family, qualifications, career and mortgage conspired to push this dream out of his mind. Life had stopped being fun and he could see that it wouldn’t get better unless he changed his thinking. Then one night while lying in his hammock, sipping red wine, and listening to music, a song from his past came over the speaker. It was a message from his younger self reminding him of his dreams.
He made a goal, got a motorcycle and some camping gear, and within two years he was on a solo motorcycle adventure through Queensland. This book is more than a motorcycle travel story, it’s an adventure through the heart of Queensland and the soul of Australia. Along the way, Gary learns the secret of life, loses his money by betting on chickens and solves the murder of the swaggie from the song Waltzing Matilda. His message to the reader is that it’s never too late to set and achieve goals. If he can do it anyone can, and it’s easier than you think. Just twist the throttle and look out for kangaroos.